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   شنبه 9 فروردين 1404



Athletes from Serbia and Croatia first to enter Iran for Fajr Open

Athletes from Serbia and Croatia are the first delegations to arrive.
in Iran to take part for the 24th Fajr International Taekwondo Open.

The 24th International Fajr Taekwondo Open will be held in Tehran
Prestigious Taekwondo House on Dec. 21-22, 2012.

During a competition, a Kukkiwon Demonstration team would perform
demonstrations on the occasion of the competitions.

The International Fajr Taekwondo Open is the oldest such competition in Asia.

Date:16:00   12/16/2012


Photo Report

The Tirth Weight 25th Fajr Cup

7th Fajr Cup International Tournament Female (2)

7th Fajr Cup International Tiurnament Female

24 th fajr cup(32)

24 th fajr cup(31)

24 th fajr cup(30)

24 th fajr cup(29)

24 th fajr cup(28)

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